*Players on this list are only from the Nate Lull coverage area
*See a mistake? Someone missing? Contact me here
*List will be updated throughout the week as games are reported in
*Must be averaging at least 10 PPG to make the list
*Updated: 3/5/25 at 10:30 AM
*Season Complete: ##
-McKenna Hoyt (Stamford/Jefferson): 22.1 PPG (18 games)
-Addy Eckert (South Kortright/Andes): 21.5 PPG (19 games)
-Shannon Kingsbury (Franklin): 19 PPG (19 games) ##
-Grace Walley (Walton/Downsville): 17.2 PPG (19 games) ##
-Brenna Bolton (Edmeston/Morris): 17.2 PPG (19 games) ##
-Issy Seamon (Richfield Springs/ODY): 16.6 PPG (20 games) ##
-Lizzie Craft (Unatego): 16.2 PPG (18 games)
-Danielle Ennist (Delhi): 15.7 PPG (21 games)
-Sarah Gross (Deposit-Hancock): 14.6 PPG (19 games) ##
-Nayla Miley (Sidney): 14.3 PPG (18 games)
-Gabby Seamon (Richfield Springs/ODY): 14.3 PPG (19 games) ##
-Sam Barrett (Schenevus): 14.3 PPG (18 games)
-Caitlyn Deysenroth (South Kortright/Andes): 14.1 PPG (19 games)
-Brinlee Wright (Charlotte Valley): 14 PPG (20 games) ##
-Josey Ryan (Norwich): 13.9 PPG (17 games)
-Kyrah Andrades (Laurens/Milford): 13.9 PPG (19 games) ##
-Alyssa Sorochinsky (Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton): 13.9 PPG (18 games) ##
-Emma Johnson (Cooperstown): 13.8 PPG (23 games)
-Amber Burton (Schenevus): 13.5 PPG (18 games)
-Abby Yahner (Greene): 12.9 PPG (19 games) ##
-Zarie Barbic (Sharon Springs): 12.3 PPG (15 games) ##
-Jayslin Henderson (Bainbridge-Guilford): 12 PPG (21 games) ##
-Emma Urgo (Norwich): 12 PPG (17 games)
-Alyse Brown (Sherburne-Earlville): 11.9 PPG (15 games) ##
-Ella Gerster (Charlotte Valley): 11.6 PPG (20 games) ##
-Harly Birdsall (Unatego): 11.6 PPG (19 games)
-Maria Colberg (Margaretville): 11.5 PPG (12 games) ##
-Mackenzie McGovern (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 11.4 PPG (18 games)
-Brin Whiteman (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 11.4 PPG (18 games)
-Marissa Mayo (Bainbridge-Guilford): 11.2 PPG (21 games) ##
-Cady Ritton (Schenevus): 10.9 PPG (17 games)
-Selene Wellman (Oneonta): 10.7 PPG (21 games) ##
-Bailey Thayer (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 10.7 PPG (17 games)
-Tyler Abts (Delhi): 10.6 PPG (20 games)
-Natalie Crandall (Unadilla Valley): 10 PPG (19 games) ##
-Josie Dutcher (Greene): 10 PPG (19 games) ##
*Players on this list are only from the Nate Lull coverage area
*See a mistake? Someone missing? Contact me here
*List will be updated throughout the week as games are reported in
*Must be averaging at least 10 PPG to make the list
*Updated: 3/16/24 at 4:30 PM
*Season Complete: ##
-McKenna Hoyt (Stamford/Jefferson): 26 PPG (22 games) ##
-Addy Eckert (South Kortright): 20.5 PPG (22 games) ##
-Ava Cirigliano (Sidney): 19.1 PPG (22 games) ##
-Natalie Vredenburgh (Delhi): 18.8 PPG (21 games) ##
-Molly Rifanburg (Edmeston/Morris): 18.6 PPG (23 games) ##
-Shannon Kingsbury (Franklin): 18.6 PPG (19 games) ##
-Sarah Gross (Deposit-Hancock): 18.1 PPG (19 games) ##
-Hailey Shalor (Worcester): 18 PPG (22 games) ##
-Lizzie Craft (Unatego): 17.7 PPG (22 games) ##
-Delaney Maison (Laurens/Milford): 15.8 PPG (19 games) ##
-Ashtyn Hansen (Gilboa/Windham): 15.5 PPG (18 games) ##
-Rory Nelen (Cooperstown): 15.4 PPG (20 games) ##
-Issy Seamon (Richfield Springs/ODY): 15.2 PPG (19 games) ##
-Grace Walley (Walton/Downsville): 14.6 PPG (21 games) ##
-Hannah Tuttle (Gilboa/Windham): 14.6 PPG (18 games) ##
-Sam Barrett (Schenevus): 13.8 PPG (22 games) ##
-Jaiden Schrag (Unadilla Valley): 13.2 PPG (20 games) ##
-Hannah Todd-Rogers (Sherburne-Earlville): 12.8 PPG (20 games) ##
-Amber Burton (Schenevus): 12.4 PPG (22 games) ##
-Gabby Seamon (Richfield Springs/ODY): 12.3 PPG (18 games) ##
-Daphnee West (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 12.1 PPG (24 games) ##
-Morgan Huff (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 12 PPG (24 games) ##
-Kyrah Andrades (Laurens/Milford): 12.1 PPG (16 games) ##
-Josey Ryan (Norwich): 12.1 PPG (19 games) ##
-Alex Grzymkowski (Sherburne-Earlville): 11.8 PPG (20 games) ##
-Julia Legg (Hunter-Tannersville): 11.8 PPG (16 games) ##
-Johnna Henderson (Bainbridge-Guilford): 11.7 PPG (22 games) ##
-Jayslin Henderson (Bainbridge-Guilford): 11.5 PPG (22 games) ##
-Adriana Hartman (Harpursville): 11.3 PPG (18 games) ##
-Ella Gerster (Charlotte Valley): 11.1 PPG (21 games) ##
-Selene Wellman (Oneonta): 11 PPG (21 games) ##
-Andrea Favinger (G-MU): 11 PPG (20 games) ##
-Haylie Lund (Edmeston/Morris): 11 PPG (23 games) ##
-Zarie Fassett (Sharon Springs): 10.8 PPG (12 games) ##
-Lilly Tessier (Sharon Springs): 10.5 PPG (16 games) ##
-Mia Kaltenbach (Cooperstown): 10.4 PPG (20 games) ##
-Mackenzie Barnes (G-MU): 10.4 PPG (20 games) ##
-Josie Dutcher (Greene): 10.3 PPG (21 games) ##
-Olivia Schiraldi (Norwich): 10.2 PPG (16 games) ##
-Mia Dubben (Cherry Valley-Springfield): 10.1 PPG (24 games) ##
-Chesnee Miller (Sherburne-Earlville): 10 PPG (20 games) ##
-Nayla Miley (Sidney): 10 PPG (22 games) ##